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How often does the Montana Correctional Offender Network Search Banner get clicked here?

This website tracks simple clicks OUT for all banners that display here. Find the current sort-able statistics for this banner anytime below. In the bottom of all Montana Gun Trader pages except the home stream on mobile devices, there is a link to The Montana Correctional Offender Network Search or CONWEB as many call it. This is a resource that Tye State of Montana gives us to perform a quick check for in-state felonies. This can help us avoid selling to someone potentially prohibited. This is NOT a national check like the Federal NICS. It is only for Montana felons. Read more Considerations For Safe, Legal, Private Firearms Transactions Here.

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Made in Montana T-Shirts, Hats and Hoodies?

Made in Montana t-shirts are coming eventually once we are able to develop a system with a Montana business who provides such services.

I’m sick of sending money out of state for work we might do here. CustomInk has a great system where they just send me a check for sales after a fundraiser that expires. It’s just a pain. I need a store type page like theirs at your website. Me sending members to you for shirts could certainly help you develop your business online. Unless I’m nuts. Which is possible.

Desired Qualifications:
#1 Majority of your employees must support or oppose good and bad gun bills during legislature when needed and vote pro-gun.
#2 Must deal with only high quality, made in America shirts. Preferably American Made in Montana!
#3 Must be able to professionally print or embroider items listed in the title.
#4 Must have an online store where we send members who want high quality shirts and hats, etc.
#5 Must be able to ship them directly to the customer c/o Montana Gun Trader.
#6 This is for fund raising much like CustomInk does. But I’d love to have a permanent store. Must then pay us a reasonable commission on every item sold.
#7 ?

Too much to expect? Even doable?

Comment with your recommendations or send me a message.

If you prefer not to become a member and are a producer of high quality items like these in Montana, please use the contact form or contact the administrator directly if logged in as a member to discuss.

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Public Poll: Would you SUPPORT or OPPOSE a SHERIFF’S FIRST BILL that would make it a state crime for federal officers to arrest, search, or seize anything from a citizen without written permission from that Montana county’s elected Sheriff?

Montana Sheriff’s are elected by citizens in their county. Federal officers are not. Should your locally elected county Sheriff hold the key in regard to federal arrest, search or seizure of property in Montana? Take the public poll, react, comment and share below. Find the member only poll here
Would you SUPPORT or OPPOSE a SHERIFFS FIRST BILL that would make it a state crime for federal officers to arrest, search, or seize anything from a citizen without written permission from that Montana county's elected Sheriff?

Find Gary Marbut’s Model Legislation For Sheriffs First embedded below.


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Public Poll: Should Montana Make Law The “Sheriffs First” Model Legislation From Gary Marbut at

Would you SUPPORT or OPPOSE a SHERIFFS FIRST BILL that would make it a state crime for federal officers to arrest, search, or seize anything from a citizen without written permission from that Montana county's elected Sheriff?

Find Gary Marbut’s Model Legislation For Sheriffs First embedded below. Take the public poll, comment and share below. Find the member only poll here.

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What is the best resource online to always find current information on current Montana gun laws?

DISCLAIMER: Most gun laws are unconstitutional in my opinion. And I am not attorney, nor have I ever played one on TV. Contact an attorney if you can’t find answers about gun laws regardless of what you find below or what members might share in the comments below this post!

Where do you look first if you have any questions about current Montana gun laws?

The State of Montana’s Frequently Asked Firearms Questions Page has not been updated yet since one of our most pro-gun legislative sessions we’ve had in decades what with the passage by voters of LR-130 and passage of pro-gun bills like HB102, HB258 and several others. Hopefully they’ll get around to it because it’s historically been the best. The best current resources I am quickly able to find are at The NRA-ILA and at Frontier Carry. Find both of those resources embedded below.

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John Lott of The Crime Prevention Research Center discusses how addressing “gun violence” is a failure and more

John Lott of Missoula with The Crime Prevention Research Center discusses a variety of issues on CSPAN including the recent hoax commencement he was invited to in Las Vegas by the gun control lobby. He also discusses major faults with background checks, de-funding police, low conviction rates and how the Biden administration addressing “gun violence”, only 10% of crime, is a failure. He also takes questions from call in listeners. 41 minutes.

Do You Support or Oppose Universal Gun Registration To Enforce Universal Background Checks?
  • I Oppose Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 99%, 136 votes
    136 votes 99%
    136 votes - 99% of all votes
  • I Support Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 1%, 1 vote
    1 vote 1%
    1 vote - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 137
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.

Vote and discuss the poll above at Member Poll: Do Your Support or Oppose Gun Registration In Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks?


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