Member Only Poll: Should we allow out of state gun owners to join Montana Gun Trader?

More and more often we are getting out of state gun owners who attempt to join Montana Gun Trader. I have thus far denied them.

Should we allow out of state gun owners to join?

This is a members only poll. Please login to vote. Take the poll and leave your comments below. Donate to help fund this Montana site.

Should Montana Gun Trader allow out of state members to join?
  • No 89%, 242 votes
    242 votes 89%
    242 votes - 89% of all votes
  • Yes 11%, 31 vote
    31 vote 11%
    31 vote - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 273
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.

NOTE! If a decision about allowing out of state members is to be made, it will require at least half of the current membership of over 12000 to vote YES above in this members only poll.

Randy MGT Patron Administrator MSSA CCRKBA GOA 2AF NRA FPC
A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter building online tools to help us preserve and exercise our online Firearms Freedom!
Randy avatar

Author: Randy

A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter building online tools to help us preserve and exercise our online Firearms Freedom!

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This platform is fantastic IMO, it is a place where like minded gentlemen can not only buy and sell guns and relish in our 2nd amendment rights but a platform of free speech. There would be half the attention if the site were not made public but with that comes a caveat where like others have dealt with, weirdos, scammers, and possibly undercover agents. Thats what the review section is for.

I would gladly pay a monthly subscription if it went that way. But I think we would have very few members in that case.
1 hour ago
dwsas1 shared a GIF
1 hour ago
clanhanson shared a GIF
1 hour ago
At least if we turned fed land into private ownership we'd start seeing some tax revenue.
1 hour ago
Teton County Wyoming is 97% federal land. Median home price is 4.5 million. If that was in private hands, people could actually afford to live there.
1 hour ago
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