By act of using Montana Gun Trader you agree to accept and abide by the following current terms of use detailed below. View end for latest.
* You are not prohibited from ownership of and can legally buy, sell and trade firearms in The United States of America.
* You believe in the The Second Amendment To The United States Constitution and you will always vote and vote pro-gun.
* You will remain active during legislative sessions by contacting representatives to advise how you’d like them to vote on bills.
* You understand that law enforcement is likely and encouraged to use membership resources both personally and/or professionally.
* You understand you must be at least 18 years of age or older to legally buy, sell or trade firearms and ammunition in Montana.
* You understand that if administration has any reason to believe that you are a scammer, spammer or cannot transact legally here they can report you and your content to law enforcement. We may suspend or ban your profile and trash your ads until convinced otherwise. Use the contact form in the footer to inquire if banned.
* You understand that Montana Gun Trader DOES NOT perform background checks before or after member registration approval. It is your responsibility to ensure buyers or sellers are legal to transact with.
* You understand that Montana Gun Trader administrators will not become involved in transactions between parties and does not certify, investigate, or in any way guarantee the legal capacity or safety of any party to transact. Read Common Sense Considerations for Safe, Legal Private Firearms Transactions Here…
* You are responsible for obeying all applicable enforcement mechanisms, including, but not limited to federal, state, municipal, and tribal statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, and judicial decisions, any applicable Presidential Executive Orders, including compliance with all applicable licensing requirements.
* You will not use Montana Gun Trader for any illegal purpose.
* If you are at all unsure about firearm sales or transfers, you will contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive at 1-800-ATF-GUNS and/or visit the ATF website at
* You will help to ensure the overall openness and accessibility of the site to all users through a peer-review process. You understand that failure to adhere to proper internet protocol and etiquette may result in removal of your listings or more severe corrective action.
* Montana Gun Trader may edit or remove information, including my listings, from the site without notice.
* If you violate these terms, Montana Gun Trader may permanently remove you from the site or, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, avail itself of such remedies as are prescribed by law. Whilst Montana Gun Trader ABSOLUTELY BELIEVES AND CHAMPIONS “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” Montana Gun Trader will comply with federal, state, municipal and tribal law enforcement entities pursuant to the Constitution of the United States and Due Process of Law.
* You take responsibility for your actions whilst using Montana Gun Trader. You also take responsibility for any and all of your actions related to, or resulting from, your use of Montana Gun Trader. Further, you are solely responsible for any and all consequences of such actions.
* You indemnify and hold harmless Montana Gun Trader and all of its owners, directors, officers, employees, and agents for any and all loss, harm, damage, costs, liability, and expense caused to them, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by your use of Montana Gun Trader, including but not limited to direct or indirect results of violations of any and all applicable laws.
* Montana Gun Trader may make changes to these terms at any time without notifying you. As a user, you are solely responsible for reading the most current version of the terms and conditions.
* By use of this website you agree to the above terms and further certify that you have read, and completely agree, to be legally bound by the Montana Gun Trader Terms of Use.
Montana Gun Common Sense
All members of this Montana website are 100% accountable for their activity in and beyond Montana Gun Trader whether buying, selling and trading firearms or not.
Common courtesy at this website is expected. Clean, tactical humor with friends is okay. Legality of transactions is completely up to you and your fellow buyers, sellers & traders.
This group is for adults, please act accordingly. Keep rude, obscene, hateful and violent comments to yourself.
Report illegal activity to the Montana ATF offices:
Contact Montana sheriffs departments to report or check serial numbers before purchasing guns:
Perform Montana convicted felon searches prior to transactions at:
If you’d prefer performing the safest possible transaction, perform transactions through FFL holders
A two strike rule applies to community posts. The first time we delete the post. The second time we delete you. Dickering and bickering should be done between individuals, not on the public board. If you don’t like a price, don’t buy it and keep your comments to yourself. If someone is harassing you, report their post. Two reports will UN-publish that post.
Most from the original blocked by Facebook Big Sky Gun Trader Group, always find newest additions for this site at bottom.
Note: In any case that you are struck out and would like to discuss it, use the contact form in the footer.
12/9/14: Any posts, comments or replies that might be deemed hateful, hostile or violent will be removed.
3/3/15: No more bidding. Users must post a price with their items.
4/13/15: Admins of this group will not become involved before or after member transactions. If you find there is an issue with an item after you purchase it, attacking that member at this group will not be tolerated. Refer to the two strike rule. It might be wise to check out items thoroughly before you purchase.
5/6/15: Please keep post bumps to a max of 24 hrs. If you commit to a sale and don’t follow through, you risk being removed from the group, cross posted or not.
7/3/15: We cannot verify age of new members and people can lie. Approval of membership in this group does not insure legal ability to own guns. It is your responsibility to ensure your buyer is old enough.
12/30/2015: When a deal is made and you don’t follow through and the buyer or seller can provide evidence, you risk being blocked.
11/26/2016: Members who Hi-Jack or Pirate someone else’s post risks being blocked. If you don’t like a price someone else is asking, either negotiate, don’t buy it and keep your comments to yourself.
12/28/2020: Members who report posts because they think the price is too high on an item risk being blocked.
3/13/21: We have over 140 different locations to choose from when posting. If you select “Montana” as your posting location and do not give us any idea approximately of a range of areas you frequent or can meet at for a sale or trade, you will be removed for wasting our time asking after two strikes.
3/14/21: Ghosting: – When you plan a meet to transact and do not follow through with a minimum of contacting them to advise them you cannot make it, you will be banned for one week on the first strike based on two or more similar reports and banned permanently on the second strike unless an emergency has prevented your meeting. – edited 12/1/23
4/1/21: Posting an ad to complain about other people’s ads. We have a Community Stream to throw a fit if you want to do that. Don’t post a classified ad to bitch about someone else’s ads or prices or you will be warned once and removed permanently the second time.
7/9/21: Those who post duplicate ads risk being banned. They do not help you sell faster here. They just take up more server disk space.
11/23/21: If it is found that you are abusing the reporting function by using two accounts to report posts to get them unpublished, you will be banned permanently.
12/21/21: Ads posted in categories not related to guns and ammo, etc do not appear on the home stream automatically attributed to you because this is a gun site. If you post in inappropriate categories just so they will automatically appear on the community stream, you risk being banned.
12/29/21: People listing ads and items for sale have the right to require background checks and picture ID. If you do not like that they ask for these items before selling you an item, this is your problem. If you harass these people in comments below their posts or in messages, you risk being banned from this website permanently.
1/29/22: This site is different than most in that we do not depend on external storage services like Google and Amazon to store your data and never will. It is stored on our own server. Server disk space is more valuable here. When you repeatedly upload large duplicates over and over again, especially to the home stream instead of in ads that expire and get deleted, you are abusing it. If you continually upload large photos repeatedly, especially after being asked not to, you risk being banned.
1/30/22: If there is already a group for your city or region, another group of that name is not necessary. If you create another group with the same name or for the same area than an already established group with members, that group will be deleted unless you can provide a good reason for doing so. Please send the admin a message to discuss before creating duplicate groups.
8/10/22: If you post ads that contain blatantly in-accurate information such as a muzzleloader not legal for heritage season in Montana claiming it is, you risk being banned. Especially if multiple members and even admins have provided suggestions and documentation refuting your claim.
2/14/23: If you routinely hassle people about their asking prices because you don’t like them, you risk getting banned.
2/6/24: Ads for non-gun items deliberately posted in gun categories just so they appear on the home stream like guns is not allowed. Do this repeatedly and you risk being banned.
2/17/24: If another member sends you a message about an active ad and you ignore them and you haven’t detailed in the ad description why you might do that, you risk being banned.
4/10/24: If you harass people about their item prices, fellow members can report your comments for Price Policing. If enough numbers report your post for the same reason, you will be awarded the Price Police badge for your profile. This badge will then appear on your profile next to your username in addition to every post or comment you make in the community and in groups.
5/3/2024: If you report posts or profiles needlessly, you risk being banned. Marking an items sold and leaving it active does not justify a report. Nor does asking you about trades you might consider unless you’ve specifically stated “No Trades” in your ad description or in the trades considered field.
12/19/24: Free ad abuse. This site is free and always will be to join and post a reasonable amount of ads which we all agree if three free before you need to pay beyond. Those who post more than three free ads or renew three free ads are abusing the free ad system. For every ad over three free, posting featured ads funds this site. Members can now report other members for free ad abuse by clicking the three dots on their profile page and selecting “Free ad abuse” with the total ad count on the description. The first time we ban you for seven days and delete all of your ads. The second time we ban you permanently and delete all of your ads.
Read the Privacy Statement for information shared at Montana Gun Trader.