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Poll: Do Support or Oppose Eradication Hunting Of Invasive Feral Hogs Moving Into Montana? [Video]

Montana currently prohibits the hunting of feral hogs. Should this be changed?


Do You Support or Oppose Unlimited Eradication Hunting For Invasive Feral Hogs Moving Into Montana?

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Poll: How many digits does it take to express the number of rounds of ammunition a prudent person can realistically afford and ought to have in storage? ~ Gary Marbut

Gary Marbut of The Montana Shootings Sports Association sent a suggestion for a new poll to get our opinions related to ammunition quantity we should all be striving to obtain. Below is the message from Gary and the poll. Read the message, take the poll, share and comment below.

“I once engaged in a conversation with some friends about how many digits it takes to express the number of rounds of ammo a person ought to have in storage. The serious debate on that question ended up being between five and six digits. Nobody I know can afford seven, and nobody I know is foolish or optimistic enough to suggest or depend on four.”

How many digits does it take to express the number of rounds of ammunition a prudent person can realistically afford and ought to have in storage?

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Dear Candidate Seeking Montana Gun Owners Support for Election or Re-Election

Thank You For Your Interest in Serving Montanans. Please Review, Vote in All Polls and Comment Below.

Please understand a few critical issues that most of us agree on before you assume our votes after simply claiming support for our 2nd Amendment. So many before you have done so and stabbed us in the back that even as a Republican, you are not immune.

For The Record: WE ARE NOT SINGLE ISSUE VOTERS. We are PRIMARY issue voters. And Firearms Freedom is ALMOST ALWAYS our primary issue. Because we know that without the 2nd Amendment, ALL others become indefensible.

Before we can commit with support of any kind through this website and numerous social networks, fundamentals of firearms freedom need first to be addressed directly by you or your campaign and understood either here or publicly on the record elsewhere.

Please vote and provide details about the following firearms freedom issues below. You are  welcome and encouraged to register at this website with thousands of fellow Montanans to put your position on the record in the comments below this post.

This is not a hostage situation. If you have opposing views, please tell us how and try to convince us below. If in support, we encourage you to feel free to plug your position for gun owners to see below as well. This does not cover all issues. But these are the hottest topics to address for us to gain confidence in your commitment to help protect our god given rights and give you our elective support.


Do You Support or Oppose A Ban on High Capacity Magazines?


Do You Support or Oppose The Castle Doctrine in Montana?


Do You Support or Oppose Trained and Certified Armed School Staff Willing to Carry a Concealed Weapon on Campus?


Do You Support or Oppose Permit-less Concealed Carry in Montana?


Do You Support or Oppose Universal Background Checks For All Gun Sales?


Do You Support or Oppose Unlimited Eradication Hunting For Invasive Feral Hogs Moving Into Montana?


Do You Support or Oppose Universal Gun Registration To Enforce Universal Background Checks?
  • I Oppose Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 99%, 138 votes
    138 votes 99%
    138 votes - 99% of all votes
  • I Support Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 1%, 1 vote
    1 vote 1%
    1 vote - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 139
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.


Should Montana Gun Trader allow out of state members to join?
  • No 89%, 243 votes
    243 votes 89%
    243 votes - 89% of all votes
  • Yes 11%, 31 vote
    31 vote 11%
    31 vote - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 274
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.


These polls are currently open to the public. If needed, they can easily be restricted to members only. If you are a member with an opposing or supportive opinion to those shared above, please present your objections or support for discussion below. Be Sure to Share!

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Poll: What are the main benefits of using a locally owned and operated gun classifieds social network?

Using a locally owned and operated website is the safest method of transacting with firearms online.

After using this site, what other benefits might you say that this site gives gun buyers and sellers above national sites?

Vote for existing answers and/or click Add your answer so that others can also see your opinion about why a local site is better. Share and make your comments below.


Do You Support or Oppose a Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms?

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Member Poll: Should we restrict Classified Ads Email Contact Forms to Registered Members only?

All Gun Classifieds at this site, whether you are logged in or not, include an email contact form so people can contact you about your item.

Although we do have a recaptcha system to stop bots, this site does NOT stop potential HUMAN scammers IN the USA from trying to send you junk email using the contact form. Login, share, vote in the poll and leave your local comments on the topic below.

Would you SUPPORT or OPPOSE a SHERIFFS FIRST BILL that would make it a state crime for federal officers to arrest, search, or seize anything from a citizen without written permission from that Montana county's elected Sheriff?

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Member Only Poll: Should we allow out of state gun owners to join Montana Gun Trader?

More and more often we are getting out of state gun owners who attempt to join Montana Gun Trader. I have thus far denied them.

Should we allow out of state gun owners to join?

This is a members only poll. Please login to vote. Take the poll and leave your comments below. Donate to help fund this Montana site.

Should Montana Gun Trader allow out of state members to join?
  • No 89%, 243 votes
    243 votes 89%
    243 votes - 89% of all votes
  • Yes 11%, 31 vote
    31 vote 11%
    31 vote - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 274
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.

NOTE! If a decision about allowing out of state members is to be made, it will require at least half of the current membership of over 12000 to vote YES above in this members only poll.