Where do I find in the Montana Constitution the law that Governor Greg Gianforte signed in 2023 prohibiting financial institutions operating in the state from requiring a credit card merchant code to track the purchases of firearms and ammunition separately from other types of purchases?
FIRST: This bill and it’s passage and signing into law did not happen by accident. It required pro-gun voters like you and me electing pro-gun candidates that support it. Then it required our direct involvement in every step of its life. ESPECIALLY during it’s legislative process to get the votes it needed to pass in the state house and senate. Get registered to vote and plan to vote pro-gun in every city and state election if we want to keep Montana pro-gun. Join The Montana Shooting Sports Association and the Politics and Alerts Group at Montana Gun Trader to get in the fight and stay tuned in. Click Here to view this law at the state website.
Find the detailed bill information that Sen. Terry Vermeire introduced Senate Bill 359 (SB359) on Feb. 15 here or embedded blow.
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