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When does the new tyrannical BATFE “Engaged in the Business” as a Dealer in Firearms “rule” begin?
Not to criminals of course because they’ve never followed the law. But lower voter turnout by law abiding citizens is expensive. We are now going to pay for gun owners not showing up at the ballot box. Americans lost this battle on the #soapbox and at the #ballotbox. When it came to the number of pro-gun elected officials who opposed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that gave the BATFE the authority to redefine this rule AND the number of gun owners comments who opposed this new rule during the comments period, our opponents won. Gun grabbing zealots rallied their troops during the comment period and left an overwhelming amount supporting changing the “Definition of “Engaged in the Business” as a Dealer in Firearms” at Over 370,000 comments were left and more of them supported it than opposed it. According to this, the new rule takes affect May 20th, 2024. Of course Democrat Jon Tester voted for this. Luckily none of our other Montana representatives did. Find the 14 Republicans from other states who voted for this below.
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Jon Tester Voted YES to Universal Background Checks for private gun sales and to unleash the now rogue BATFE on to ALL private gun sellers
Heed the warning. Universal background checks ARE universal gun registration. Universal gun registration will evolve into universal gun confiscation. Universal gun confiscation will evolve in to a complete loss of freedom of speech. Cattle cars full of law abiding citizens whose bodies end up being dumped into pits with lime or at a minimum working at the Gulag is inevitable if we allow it. No government can be trusted with this level of power whether led by democrats or republicans. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When all of the guns have been banned, when all of the words have been censored, when all of the history has been erased, when all of the freedom has been taken, only then will so many realize too late why America’s founders put the right to bear arms so high on the list.
How’s Jon involved in this mass gun registration and inevitable disarmament scheme perpetrated by current tyrants in power?
Part of the passage of The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that Jon Tester voted YES for included allowing The Justice Department to update at their discretion the definition of what “Engaged in the Business” as a Firearms Dealer means. Now, pretty much anyone who ever sells a firearm privately can only do so by becoming an FFL holder or transferring the gun through a Federal Firearms Licensee. The definition of whether you are a “gun dealer” is left so vague and purposely deceptive so that literally anyone can be considered a “gun dealer” requiring a license if they so choose to target you for it. This is the universal gun registration part of the scheme.
Universal gun registration via universal background checks have been one of Jon’s personal goals for a very long time. Years ago he even spoke in support of Universal Gun Registration via Universal Background Checks. Watch him clearly express so in the video below. Jon should be very happy to have achieved this goal of giving the now unleashed and rogue BATFE the ability to easily use this to make tens of millions of Americans into felons if they so choose to at their discretion. This new rule is a win for gun grabbers. Will this affect how you vote in the future?
Be sure to Contact Jon Tester and your other reps and tell them how this new unconstitutional rule makes you feel. Take the polls yourself and share our “Polls – What specifically does it mean to be “Pro-Gun”?” at
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Masters of Montana – Politics of the Montana Supreme Court and it’s Corrupt Liberal Political Influence
In a recent email update from Gary Marbut of The Montana Shooting Sports Association, he explains how “The Montana Supreme Court has gradually assumed the status of political top dog in Montana, superior to the legislative and executive branches, and even superior to the Montana Constitution.” He explains this in more detail in a guest column in the Missoulian found at:—politics-of-the-montana-supreme-court/article_23771a36-f5bb-11ee-9430-3f12854166ff.html
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