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The Official Montana Right To Keep And Bear Arms Week Begins 1st Monday of March! How Will You Celebrate?

How do you plan on celebrating Montana RKBA Week this year?

In 1991 The Montana Shooting Sports Association got a bill passed through legislature and signed into law setting the first week starting on Monday every March as the official week for Montana to celebrate our RTKBA – Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

1-1-224. Observance of right to keep and bear arms. The week beginning the first Monday in March is an official week of observance to commemorate Montana’s valued heritage of the right of each person to keep and bear arms in the defense of his home, person, or property or in aid of civil power. During this week, all Montanans are urged to reflect on their right to keep and bear arms and to celebrate this right in lawful ways.

Let me know if you have events planned. I may be able to provide free MSSA and MTGT bumper stickers

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Watch: Second Montana House Floor Session on HB258 – To Prohibit Enforcement Of New Federal Gun Laws [Video]

After first being tabled in committee because of the opposition from The Montana Sheriff’s and Peace Officer’s Association, HB258 was resurrected and went to it’s second reading on the House Floor on 2/26/21. Watch it below.


Find current status and contact appropriate reps to help move it along at Watch and make comments below.

Current Status: HB258 – An Act Prohibiting Enforcement of New Federal Gun Laws

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Watch: Signing Ceremony Of HB102 Into Law By Governor Gianforte & Explanation of LR130 & HB102 by Gary Marbut

Watch The Signing Ceremony Video Of Montana’s historic HB102 (Permit-less Concealed Carry) Into Law By Governor Greg Gianforte on 2/18/21.

Read and comment on: Effects of LR-130 and HB 102 by Gary Marbut, president of The Montana Shooting Sports Association embedded below.


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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose an Ammunition and Reloading CO-OP To Give Montana More Ammo Independence?

I’m not sure what that looks like right now but will help in any way I can with this site. Take the poll, discuss and make suggestions below.

Do you Support or Oppose implementing an Electoral College system for Montana Governor and U.S. Reps?
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Join the Montana Ammunition and Reloading CO-OP Group Here.

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Where do I find the status of MT HB102, HB258 or other Guns and Weapons Bills in Montana Legislature for 2021?

Find the most current status of any Montana Guns and Weapons bills embedded below or directly at the Montana Legislature Bill Search Results Page For “Guns and Weapons” Page. Use the contact form and links below to send messages. Click SHARE above Latest Featured Ads below.

Find tips for contacting legislators written by Gary Marbut at Titled: Legislative Process – Contacting Legislators – Tracking Bills. Then use the form below to send messages now.

Send messages to legislators and committees through the Montana Legislature Messaging System or the public form embedded below. Click MENU for more options and information. NONE of your information is stored here. Questions, comments and reactions can be made by members below.

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Watch: HB258 in House Judiciary Committee | The Most Important Bill For Montana Gun Owners To Support in 2021

With a current federal government that is going rogue against the United States Constitution and The Second 2nd Amendment, House Bill 258 must become law or all levels of Montana law enforcement will soon be pitted against 70% of the population of Montana who are gun owners.

Watch the hearing and citizen testimonies and questions, then comment below. Use the form below and ask them to Support HB258!

Send messages to the (H) Judiciary Committee below asking them to “Please Support HB258 With ONLY The Sponsors Amendments Please!” using the Montana Legislature Messaging System embedded below. Click MENU for more options and information. NONE of your information is stored here. Questions, comments and reactions can be made by members below.

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Suicide in Montana is almost twice the national average. Does firearm attainability contribute? Take The Poll

Montana Gun Trader Member Only Poll
Does easier firearms attainability contribute to Montana's almost twice the national average suicide rate?
  • No 89%, 47 votes
    47 votes 89%
    47 votes - 89% of all votes
  • Yes 11%, 6 votes
    6 votes 11%
    6 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 53
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.
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Click Or Call The National Suicide Prevention Life Line At 1-800-273-8255 NOW If You Are Feeling Suicidal!

Easily the most depressing and influential statistic that Montana gun owners ever contend with in the discussion over more gun control is related to firearms attainability in Montana and successful suicides. How do we as gun owners help justify gun ownership when so many of our friends, family members and neighbors are taken from us with the simple squeeze of a trigger and we have a lot more triggers?

It’s simple and may seem insensitive, but where there’s a will, there’s a way and that’s the way most of us grew up. We all know that someone who is determined to do something will find a way to do it. As insensitive as this may sound, suicide by firearm is common sense at work. Use the best tool for the job.

See Montana Suicide Rate At The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

How can we help? Get help if you need it and be sure your guns are inaccessible to those with suicidal tendencies and try to get them the help they need whether they have access to guns or not. They will figure out another way to get the job done. Don’t let it be with your gun!

Click Or Call The National Suicide Prevention Life Line At 1-800-273-8255 NOW If You Are Feeling Suicidal!

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Make 3% selling ammo online while you still can! Affiliate and get a free ammo search form for your site here.

The search form above is designed to open a Lucky Gunner search result in a new window. Lucky Gunner is an affiliate that has been at the top of Top Ammunition Sites for nearly a decade. Most shooters know Lucky Gunner well. They set standards for online ammo.

When visitors search through that form, find ammo in stock and then and buy it, a 3% commission made helps fund this Montana gun website. Search and buy above or by using these forms found around the site to help keep the lights on at Montana Gun Trader.

How do I make 3% selling Lucky Gunner Ammo?

You can easily make money when ammo is in stock too. Even without a website once approved for Lucky Gunner’s Lucky Referrals Affiliate Program using your Montana Gun Trader profile page url as your website. Copy your Montana Gun Trader Profile Page URL to your clipboard. Then click and paste it in the URL field in this form to become an affiliate at Lucky Referrals. Complete the form and submit, then wait for approval.

On approval, you will receive your referral id. Add that referral id to the end of any URL from Then share your links, even on the stream or in Montana Gun Trader Groups with that id. When your friends, family or referrals click through and purchase, you will make a 3% commission paid monthly and they pay like clockwork!

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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose Bans on Semi-Automatic Firearms and High Capacity Magazines?

Vote in the polls and share with your friends and family asking whether they support or oppose bans on semi-automatics like AR-15’s or magazine capacities.

Do You Support or Oppose a Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms?
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Do You Support or Oppose A Ban on High Capacity Magazines?
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