Bravo Concealment Adaptive (BCA) Light OWB concealed carry holster is manufactured in polymer. For G19/17 with TLR. It is designed to be the best outside the waistband option for everyday concealed carry.
(OWB) holster fits your gun perfectly. This is because our molds are made in-house by the latest CAD design and CNC technology. We use real guns to design your holster. We 3-D scan the actual gun and build a solid off the cloud for the most precise fit within three-thousandths of an inch. That is the thickness of a human hair! This is something that a holster custom made for you with an easy bake oven cannot achieve. Our holsters are tough and durable with minimal weight added to your gun. They also have a slight curve to help wrap around, a very smooth pocket for a quick and pronounced, audible “click” when reholstering.
Bravo concealment OWB holster G17/19 w/ TLR
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