Why Hasn’t The MSSA Started a Montana 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Movement Like Virginia Yet?

For those who might not undertake at Facebook much anymore, MSSA President Gary Marbut again sums it up well in a “Facebook Page Post. AND VOTE YES ON LR-130 In November!!

And for those struggling with the screenshot above, pasted as text from Facebook below…

UPDATED 1/14/2020. Please Share

Here is the LR 130 Handout and Information for your use. If you want to know more about LR 130, please read all the way through to the bottom. Any other questions or concerns, please contact us and we’ll address those for you.

Some people have been asking for a handout for LR-130 that they can print locally and distribute to friends, or at gun stores, gun shows, shooting ranges, and more. A .pdf file of such a handout is available for your use from this link.


You can take this file (printed or electronic) to your local copy shop or printer and ask them to print this two-sided piece on “Astrobright Terra Green Cover” (a bright, lime green, heavy paper) and cut the result into six pocket-sized handouts for each 8.5″X 11″ sheet. You should be able to get 100 sheets printed and cut (into 600 pieces) for about $50. If you wish to pay for printing of 25 sheets, 50 sheets, or 200 sheets, that’s up to you.

This is important! Pay for this with your own (personal) money, not the money of some organization such as a local gun club, or a business. If your gun club or business pays for this, it could be required to form a “political committee”, file a bunch of paperwork with the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, and report all sources of income (gun club members?) However, if you do this with your personal funds, and unless you spend $250 or more, it is a freedom of speech exercise. No reporting required.

Help freedom, preserve the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, help Montana gun owners, and help MSSA by getting these handouts spread to voters all over Montana.

Explaining LR-130, and why it’s important to Montana

Some Montana gun owners have asked me where they can actually read LR-130, the November ballot issue to protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

I’ll provide a link below to where you can read LR-130 for yourself. But first let me explain what LR-130 does and how to read it.

LR-130 is the result of House Bill 357 having been passed by the 2019 Legislature. HB 357 sets a ballot measure to amend two relevant and existing state laws. When an existing law is amended, language may be added to the law (shown as underlined words), or it can delete language from the law (shown as strikethrough words).

Two current state laws limit cities’ and counties’ authority to regulate firearms, but they are not enough limitation. One law, 7-1-111(9), M.C.A., prohibits local governments from using “any power that applies to or affects the right to keep or bear arms.” BUT, it goes on to say, “‘except that a local government has the power to regulate the carrying of concealed weapons.” LR-130 will remove this “except” clause from the law.

The other law to be amended by LR-130 is 45-8-351, M.C.A. This law generally prohibits local gun control, BUT says that for “public safety purposes” a local government may adopt and enforce gun control measures in several ways. LR-130 will dramatically shorten this list of allowed exceptions. The net effect is that local governments will still be allowed to regulate unpermitted concealed weapons (people carrying concealed illegally inside city limits) and open carry into buildings owned and occupied by governmental entities.

That’s it. If LR-130 is successful, local governments will no longer have alleged loopholes to exploit as Missoula tried with its universal background check ordinance and various “gun free zones” concerning “parks” and “public assemblies.”

Knowing this much, you are now equipped to read LR-130 at:


Some local governments and anti-gun political entities in Montana will likely mount a campaign against LR-130. They may be joined by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his surrogate entities such as Demanding Moms and Illegal Mayors for Guns. In this opposition, these opponents will almost certainly make up major and scary lies about the effects of LR-130, trying to stampede low-information voters away from LR-130. One predictable lie (they’ve already floated this one) is that LR-130 will permit crazy people to go into schools and kill innocent children. Scary, huh? But, it’s a lie. There is a different, existing law (45-8-361, M.C.A.) that prohibits guns in schools, a law that will not be affected by LR-130. Even though it falls under the general “save the children” category of political argument, this lie is still stupid. How low must be the IQ of someone who believes that bad people who will ignore laws against murder will be aware of and be deterred from their intended mayhem by an obscure city ordinance.

Although the Montana Constitution has a very strong reservation of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, that reservation is useless if any city or county may concoct and enforce local gun control, creating a patchwork of gun control across the state just waiting to entrap an unwary traveler.

Thus, 7-1-111 and 45-8-351, as updated by LR-130, are the actual implementation of the RKBA in the Montana Constitution. That’s why LR-130 is so important.

Please explain LR-130 to all your friends and neighbors, at your local gun club, to the staff at local gun stores, and anywhere else you can. LR-130 MUST PASS in November.

Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana

Attached LR 130 graphic art courtesy of the Montana Sportsmen For Fish and Wildlife (Thank You MTSFW for sharing!)

source: https://www.facebook.com/montanashootingsportsassociation/posts/1637004753090700

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Author: Randy (Admin)

A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter building online tools to help us preserve and exercise our online Firearms Freedom!

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