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Put him in a bear suit and drop him off in the woods this spring
Yep, that's the root issue.. Muslims always try to kill EVERYONE around them for religious fervor reasons, including the other sects they hate (Shia vs Sunni, moderate Sunni vs radical wahhabist Sunni, i.e. the ISIS types, etc.)... In mostly Shia Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, and Jordan, and in mostly Sunni Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, etc, it's reasonably easy to keep the peace. But in countries like Iraq and Syria, where Sunnis and Shias are roughly evenly- divided, along with Kurds / Zoastrians, Alawites, Christians, Jews, etc, mixed in as well (religions that generally DON'T try to force their religion on others through violence and death), it takes a strongman like al-Assad or Saddam Hussein to reign all the nutters in (BOTH Shias and Sunnis), and keep them in line. Once the strongman goes, things usually turn to poop. Not sure how Iraq and Kuwait are keeping the peace at the moment, having large swaths of both Sunnis and Shias, but obviously the tenuous stability in Iraq at present was hard-fought for years... Ever since our 2003 invasion and many years after. I don't fully understand it, but it always comes down to the basic Muslim need to attack and kill anyone that doesn't agree with them. They're a lot like "progressive" Democrats in that way.
Rut-Roh. Democrat "tolerance" and "love" on display, as always.
Update: the .578-28 female part of the adapter fit on perfectly, or at least neatly-perfectly, diameter-wise. It's just way too coarse for the very-fine Rowland barrel on the XD. As I say, it's more like 37-38, not 28. So I guess we could call it a .578-36, .578-37, .578-38, or .578-39. One of those four, 95% chance.
By the way, .578 comes out to 289/500 in inch-based fractions, and 14.68 mm, also not a "clean" or even number of millimeters, so who, why, and how came up with .578 !?
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