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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose Trained and Certified Armed School Staff Willing to Carry a Concealed Weapon?

Do You Support or Oppose Trained and Certified Armed School Staff Willing to Carry a Concealed Weapon on Campus?


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Member Poll: Do Your Support or Oppose Gun Registration In Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks?

We hear frequently from anti-gun entities and politicians that “90% of Americans support Universal Background Checks.” We all know that’s not even close, especially in Montana and that the only way to enforce such a tyrannical law is to require universal firearms registration. It’s more than likely the other way around, especially among Montana gun buyers, sellers and traders. Take the poll and tell us what you think in the comments.

Do You Support or Oppose Universal Gun Registration To Enforce Universal Background Checks?
  • I Oppose Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 99%, 138 votes
    138 votes 99%
    138 votes - 99% of all votes
  • I Support Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 1%, 1 vote
    1 vote 1%
    1 vote - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 139
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.


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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose an Ammunition and Reloading CO-OP To Give Montana More Ammo Independence?

I’m not sure what that looks like right now but will help in any way I can with this site. Take the poll, discuss and make suggestions below.

Do you Support or Oppose implementing an Electoral College system for Montana Governor and U.S. Reps?

Join the Montana Ammunition and Reloading CO-OP Group Here.

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Suicide in Montana is almost twice the national average. Does firearm attainability contribute? Take The Poll

Montana Gun Trader Member Only Poll
Does easier firearms attainability contribute to Montana's almost twice the national average suicide rate?
  • No 89%, 47 votes
    47 votes 89%
    47 votes - 89% of all votes
  • Yes 11%, 6 votes
    6 votes 11%
    6 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 53
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.
Click Or Call The National Suicide Prevention Life Line At 1-800-273-8255 NOW If You Are Feeling Suicidal!

Easily the most depressing and influential statistic that Montana gun owners ever contend with in the discussion over more gun control is related to firearms attainability in Montana and successful suicides. How do we as gun owners help justify gun ownership when so many of our friends, family members and neighbors are taken from us with the simple squeeze of a trigger and we have a lot more triggers?

It’s simple and may seem insensitive, but where there’s a will, there’s a way and that’s the way most of us grew up. We all know that someone who is determined to do something will find a way to do it. As insensitive as this may sound, suicide by firearm is common sense at work. Use the best tool for the job.

See Montana Suicide Rate At The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

How can we help? Get help if you need it and be sure your guns are inaccessible to those with suicidal tendencies and try to get them the help they need whether they have access to guns or not. They will figure out another way to get the job done. Don’t let it be with your gun!

Click Or Call The National Suicide Prevention Life Line At 1-800-273-8255 NOW If You Are Feeling Suicidal!

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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose Bans on Semi-Automatic Firearms and High Capacity Magazines?

Vote in the polls and share with your friends and family asking whether they support or oppose bans on semi-automatics like AR-15’s or magazine capacities.

Do You Support or Oppose a Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms?
Do You Support or Oppose A Ban on High Capacity Magazines?


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Poll: Do you Support or Oppose “Red Flag” Gun Laws in Montana?

Do you Support or Oppose "Red Flag" Gun Laws in Montana?



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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose The Proposed Great Wall of Montana?

Of course it’s just for fun. Or is it? We can’t stop you from moving to Montana just yet. If you do, we insist that you ALWAYS VOTE and ALWAYS VOTE PRO-GUN and PARTICIPATE WITH your elected representatives every odd year in overwhelming and undeniable force. Insist they vote on bills and legsilation that directly affect your right to keep and bear arms. That’s how we’ve kept Montana pro-gun. It didn’t happen by accident. It takes all of us. Are you part of the problem or the solution? Vote and view logged in member comments on the border wall below. Find out what specifically it means to be pro-gun, click here.


Do You Support or Oppose The Proposed Great Wall of Montana?

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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose The Permit-less Concealed Carry Of Firearms in Montana?

Do You Support or Oppose Permit-less Concealed Carry in Montana?


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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose Universal Background Checks For All Gun Sales?

Do You Support or Oppose Universal Background Checks For All Gun Sales?



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98% of Voters in Poll Think Montana Should Support Unlimited Eradication Hunting of Feral Hogs

In an active current poll, 98% of voters believe that the State of Montana should allow unlimited eradication hunting to help reduce threats posed to Montana by what will soon be an complete invasion of feral hogs beginning on our Northern border from Canada. Our southern state neighbors might agree that if we don’t start soon, these beasts will plow up every garden and potato field in the county.

A new bacon hunting opportunity we should embrace which gives us an excuse to buy more ammo, AR-15’s and other “assault weapons” or a hindrance we should eradicate? Is it possible to manage these beasts or is it too late? Take the poll and comments below.

Do You Support or Oppose Unlimited Eradication Hunting For Invasive Feral Hogs Moving Into Montana?

Watch how Texas Parks and Wildlife deals with feral hogs.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates the cost of the damage caused by feral pigs amounts to about $1.5 billion annually.