POLL: Should Montana Implement an Electoral College Type Election System for Governor and U.S. Representatives?

With the census awarding us another Congress seat, the subject of an in-state electoral college type system comes up again.

Is it time for a change in Montana’s popular voting system for in-state elections so that rural voters in Montana are represented equally by having an elector in every county such as the locally elected Sheriff? Vote in the poll, read more, log in and share your thoughts in the comments below.

Do you Support or Oppose implementing an Electoral College system for Montana Governor and U.S. Reps?

No one disagrees that a one person, one vote rule is essential in our Constitutional Representative Republic!

But does this not seem to break down when dealing with larger populations in that rural voters are no longer represented equally because they choose not to be part of a collective like liberal Missoula or Bozeman College towns? Who almost always sway the vote near the end of every Montana election. More often than not the entire state is looking like it will turn out one way, only to be overturned after counting big city votes who by default lose common sense at the ballot box.

Popular vote in county and city elections is essential to American liberty in a Constitutional Republic. It is literally the backbone of Democracy. It is essential where people are able to shake hands, speak face to face and eye to eye. The ability to speak directly to your representatives representing you is critical. You meet them on the street and can easily speak to them directly. Town Halls actually mean something. The people in local governments are held accountable by their neighbors. Where local law enforcement is your neighbor and their patrol car is in their driveway. They literally have to keep their eyes on the ball because it might roll through their living room window. If these locally elected representatives disagree with the community, they are gone in the next election. That is how representative government is at least envisioned to work. The good news is that our state can change that at least for our own state representatives. Current reps continue getting elected because lobbyists purchase the elections. If our US state reps were elected by county electors voted in to office by us rather than popular state vote as it is now, would that not help prevent the largest populated cities to dictate all elections?

Montana has 56 counties in a variety of geographical sizes. We have elected representatives in our county elections and can meet with them and speak eye to eye on any subject we want almost anytime. That’s where one person, one vote works! Is it not fair to think that each county might have an equal say about the state representation they receive so that it is equal to the state representation that Missoula or Bozeman, or Helena receives as a collective? Or should their collective values be worth more than your county?

Who in your area is the most tuned in to your local situation? Your Sheriff for example might be someone who is the most tuned in to local news and events as well as safety and security in your location. Could your locally elected by popular vote county sheriff not be considered someone who might represent you better as an elector for in state elections and cast your county’s vote based on popular vote in your county?

Randy MGT Patron Bronze Administrator MSSA CCRKBA GOA 2AF NRA FPC
A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter building online tools to help us preserve and exercise our online Firearms Freedom!
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Author: Randy

A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter building online tools to help us preserve and exercise our online Firearms Freedom!

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