Of course it’s just for fun. Or is it? We can’t stop you from moving to Montana just yet. If you do, we insist that you ALWAYS VOTE and ALWAYS VOTE PRO-GUN and PARTICIPATE WITH your elected representatives every odd year in overwhelming and undeniable force. Insist they vote on bills and legsilation that directly affect your right to keep and bear arms. That’s how we’ve kept Montana pro-gun. It didn’t happen by accident. It takes all of us. Are you part of the problem or the solution? Vote and view logged in member comments on the border wall below. Find out what specifically it means to be pro-gun, click here.
Do You Support or Oppose The Proposed Great Wall of Montana?
Support HB258!
Build the wall around Missoula and I’ll vote yes
All bullshit aside, Montana should've closed its borders in 1980's.
Plus one! Good thinking.
I voted no. Our ancestors were wise enough to never give up an inch of ground. Instead, you get rid of the people inhabiting your land and take it back.
After all, as a wise man once said, "an inch is a lot!".