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Watch: HB258 in House Judiciary Committee | The Most Important Bill For Montana Gun Owners To Support in 2021

With a current federal government that is going rogue against the United States Constitution and The Second 2nd Amendment, House Bill 258 must become law or all levels of Montana law enforcement will soon be pitted against 70% of the population of Montana who are gun owners.

Watch the hearing and citizen testimonies and questions, then comment below. Use the form below and ask them to Support HB258!

Send messages to the (H) Judiciary Committee below asking them to “Please Support HB258 With ONLY The Sponsors Amendments Please!” using the Montana Legislature Messaging System embedded below. Click MENU for more options and information. NONE of your information is stored here. Questions, comments and reactions can be made by members below.

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Suicide in Montana is almost twice the national average. Does firearm attainability contribute? Take The Poll

Montana Gun Trader Member Only Poll
Does easier firearms attainability contribute to Montana's almost twice the national average suicide rate?
  • No 89%, 47 votes
    47 votes 89%
    47 votes - 89% of all votes
  • Yes 11%, 6 votes
    6 votes 11%
    6 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 53
Only registered users can vote. Login to vote.
Click Or Call The National Suicide Prevention Life Line At 1-800-273-8255 NOW If You Are Feeling Suicidal!

Easily the most depressing and influential statistic that Montana gun owners ever contend with in the discussion over more gun control is related to firearms attainability in Montana and successful suicides. How do we as gun owners help justify gun ownership when so many of our friends, family members and neighbors are taken from us with the simple squeeze of a trigger and we have a lot more triggers?

It’s simple and may seem insensitive, but where there’s a will, there’s a way and that’s the way most of us grew up. We all know that someone who is determined to do something will find a way to do it. As insensitive as this may sound, suicide by firearm is common sense at work. Use the best tool for the job.

See Montana Suicide Rate At The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

How can we help? Get help if you need it and be sure your guns are inaccessible to those with suicidal tendencies and try to get them the help they need whether they have access to guns or not. They will figure out another way to get the job done. Don’t let it be with your gun!

Click Or Call The National Suicide Prevention Life Line At 1-800-273-8255 NOW If You Are Feeling Suicidal!

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The search form above is designed to open a Lucky Gunner search result in a new window. Lucky Gunner is an affiliate that has been at the top of Top Ammunition Sites for nearly a decade. Most shooters know Lucky Gunner well. They set standards for online ammo.

When visitors search through that form, find ammo in stock and then and buy it, a 3% commission made helps fund this Montana gun website. Search and buy above or by using these forms found around the site to help keep the lights on at Montana Gun Trader.

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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose Bans on Semi-Automatic Firearms and High Capacity Magazines?

Vote in the polls and share with your friends and family asking whether they support or oppose bans on semi-automatics like AR-15’s or magazine capacities.

Do You Support or Oppose a Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms?
Do You Support or Oppose A Ban on High Capacity Magazines?


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Send a message to Montana legislators and committees about active bills and legislation online

Send messages to legislators and committees through the Montana Legislature Messaging System embedded below. Click MENU for more options and information. NONE of your information is stored here. Questions, comments and reactions can be made by members below.

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Poll: Do you Support or Oppose “Red Flag” Gun Laws in Montana?

Do you Support or Oppose "Red Flag" Gun Laws in Montana?



Search For: (was) a scam and fraudulent website pretending to be affiliated to pirate our keywords/SEO

<- This is my original avatar created for MontanaGuns.Org many years ago. You know your website is getting more popular when pirates are trying to tag along for the ride. was one of the original websites obtained by the founder of MontanaGuns.Org. It was obtained among others to help preserve it from pirating keywords just as the one embedded below does. Unfortunately holding on to it among others is not possible because the cost of doing so. Please donate to MontanaGuns.Org to help preserve the domains we do have from pirating like the one below. I get it, they’re trying to capitalize on our popularity and our organic keywords. These people are dirt bags.


They’ve since taken it down because they realized resistance is futile. Check out MontanaGuns.Org instead.

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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose The Proposed Great Wall of Montana?

Of course it’s just for fun. Or is it? We can’t stop you from moving to Montana just yet. If you do, we insist that you ALWAYS VOTE and ALWAYS VOTE PRO-GUN and PARTICIPATE WITH your elected representatives every odd year in overwhelming and undeniable force. Insist they vote on bills and legsilation that directly affect your right to keep and bear arms. That’s how we’ve kept Montana pro-gun. It didn’t happen by accident. It takes all of us. Are you part of the problem or the solution? Vote and view logged in member comments on the border wall below. Find out what specifically it means to be pro-gun, click here.


Do You Support or Oppose The Proposed Great Wall of Montana?

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Poll: Do You Support or Oppose The Permit-less Concealed Carry Of Firearms in Montana?

Do You Support or Oppose Permit-less Concealed Carry in Montana?


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A Guide to Private Firearms Sales From Pro-Gun Leaders At The Montana Shooting Sports Association

A Guide to Private Firearm Sales
Moral and Legal Responsibilities


by Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana

“People have asked me, “As a private firearm seller, what is my responsibility to vet a buyer as an acceptable customer?”

The answer to this has several parts. First, I am not an attorney, so consult with an attorney if you want a more licensed opinion. Second, let’s divide this question into five parts: Moral responsibility, responsibility under state law, responsibility under federal law, potential civil liability, and practical matters.

Moral responsibility. That’s easy. As a moral person and a responsible, law-abiding member of society and gun owner, we do not want to transfer a firearm (or even a car) to another person who would use it to jeopardize or injure an innocent person. We want to have some assurance that the buyer is not a criminal or dangerously careless person, and not flaky or unstable. Thus, it’s helpful in assessing character issues to be selling to someone we know well, personally.

State laws. I’m not an expert on any laws except those of my home state, so the reader will need to incorporate separately whatever his or her home state laws may require or prohibit. Montana laws do not control private transfers of firearms.

Federal laws. 18 USC § 922(d) makes it a crime to transfer a firerarm or ammunition to another person “ knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person” is prohibited from firearm possession, specifically:

18 USC § 922(d) says:
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person—

(1) is under indictment for, or has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;

(2) is a fugitive from justice;

(3) is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802));

(4) has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;

(5) who, being an alien—

(A) is illegally or unlawfully in the United States; or
(B) except as provided in subsection (y)(2), has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa (as that term is defined in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(26)));

(6) who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;

(7) who, having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced his citizenship;

(8) is subject to a court order that restrains such person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner of such person or child of such intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or child, except that this paragraph shall only apply to a court order that—

(A) was issued after a hearing of which such person received actual notice, and at which such person had the opportunity to participate; and
(i) includes a finding that such person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of such intimate partner or child; or
(ii) by its terms explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against such intimate partner or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury; or

(9) has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
This subsection shall not apply with respect to the sale or disposition of a firearm or ammunition to a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector who pursuant to subsection (b) of section 925 of this chapter is not precluded from dealing in firearms or ammunition, or to a person who has been granted relief from disabilities pursuant to subsection (c) of section 925 of this chapter.

18 USC § 922(a)(5) makes it illegal to transfer a firearm to a person the seller knows or has reasonable cause to believe does not reside in the state of the seller. This does not include a temporary transfer such as the loan of a firearm for hunting. Here is the specific wording of the federal law:

It shall be unlawful –

(5) for any person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector) to transfer, sell, trade, give, transport, or deliver any firearm to any person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector) who the transferor knows or has reasonable cause to believe does not reside in (or if the person is a corporation or other business entity, does not maintain a place of business in) the State in which the transferor resides; except that this paragraph shall not apply to (A) the transfer, transportation, or delivery of a firearm made to carry out a bequest of a firearm to, or an acquisition by intestate succession of a firearm by, a person who is permitted to acquire or possess a firearm under the laws of the State of his residence, and (B) the loan or rental of a firearm to any person for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes

All of Section 922 is posted at

Civil liability. Under the Law of Torts, the general rule is that you are not responsible for the criminal or negligent activities of another person unless you knew or should have known of their intent. That means that the default is you can assume that a buyer’s intent is lawful. However, if a seller is sued by an injured person alleging that the seller knew or should have known that the buyer would likely use the firearm sold to cause the injury, then the question will likely come before a jury to decide. In addition to having to pay an attorney to defend him, the seller could also have a stiff award against him or her and in favor of the plaintiff. Thus, a prudent seller will be cautious when selling firearms. There are ways to make the process safer.

Practical matters. When a private person (not an FFL) is selling a firearm to another private person, there are a number of ways a reasonable and prudent seller can reduce legal and moral risk.

Sell to known people. A person selling a firearm privately will be better off selling to someone the person knows well, if you have confidence that the person is not prohibited under federal law and is not a flaky or unsound person. This might be a neighbor you’ve know for years, a longtime co-worker, or a member of your gun club. Selling to unknown people is where more due diligence is required to keep the seller on safe legal and moral ground.

Other indicators. If the buyer has a currently valid concealed weapon permit, that usually means that the person has recently passed a federal background check and is not a prohibited person under federal law. If you know (for sure) that the person has recently purchased a firearm from a federally-licensed dealer, then the person has cleared the Brady Law background check system and is not a prohibited person. In either case, the prudent seller also will wish to have confidence that the buyer is a solid and stable person, and not flaky or unsound.

General impressions. A seller will want to notice other indicators to determine if a sale to a stranger is copacetic. Is the buyer driving a vehicle with license plates that match his or her claim of residence? Does any identification offered match the buyer? Is the buyer calm and businesslike or nervous and unsettled? With any red flags, it would be prudent to not consummate the sale.

Identification. Many careful people when selling a firearm privately to an unknown buyer will ask the buyer to present identification such as a drivers license, and will write down relevant information from the ID.

Receipt and records. A private seller should also prepare a duplicate receipt for the sale that includes the name and ID type and number of the buyer. It should also include the date of the sale, and the make, model and serial number of the firearm. The buyer should want a copy of this receipt in case the buyer is ever asked to prove that he or she obtained the firearm lawfully. The seller should definitely retain a copy of the receipt. If some law enforcement agent ever comes to the seller claiming that the sold firearm has been retrieved from a crime scene, it will be ever so helpful to have this receipt to document the transfer out of the seller’s possession.

Finally. If all usual vetting fails to get a seller into a comfort zone about a particular buyer, yet the seller really wants to make the sale, the seller can always ask the buyer to meet him at the location of a willing licensed firearms dealer (”FFL”), such as a gunsmith or pawn shop that handles guns, where the buyer can be run through a Brady Law check for the sale. Phone the FFL in advance to confirm availability of and price for this service, which may range from $25 to $60. If the buyer refuses do a transfer via an FFL, then the buyer may be a person the seller doesn’t wish to sell a firearm to. Remember, it’s willing seller, willing buyer.

Depending on your state laws and compliance with these laws and principles, it is perfectly legal and possible for private individuals to sell firearms to other individuals.