Looking to sell my beloved Heckler & Koch USP Tactical in .45. There are a few different models of the USP Tactical in .45, this one has all the bells and whistles. Night sights, extra mag, match trigger. The model # is: 81000351. It’ll come with 400 rounds of Winchester 230 grain FMJs and the box of Federal Premium HST +ps hollow points. If you want one of the best .45s ever made, this is your chance.
This gun was made in 2023 and maybe has a few hundred rounds through it. Haven’t ever even holstered it. It is in like new shape.
This gun sells for 1400-1500 brand new. The fmj ammo goes for .45-.50 cents / round. The defense ammo about 2 bucks a pop. So 1600-1700 worth of stuff here if bought new.
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