Train Daily with the gun you plan to carry or at least one very similar!
With the unprecedented ammo shortages we have now in 2021, shooters serious about keeping their skills tuned in have transitioned most, if not all of their range time, to dry fire training and systems like the Mantis X Dry Fire Training System & Training Aids for Home & Range Use.
Many might now say what they thought was a ridiculous, unnecessary, or even worst feature of a striker fired handgun, being a double strike or re-strike capable, has quickly become a favorite when racking a slide three hundred times with their Glock slows down training because it hurts!
One of the best guns for the money in my opinion, especially for price and availability and considering it’s close similarity to Glock feel and trigger is a Taurus G3C or even the G2C. Both of these cheaper guns, even cheaper than some realistic training guns feature a double strike or re-strike feature. Basically a double action striker fired pistol that you don’t have to rack the slide each time before your next dry fire shot.
After testing the Mantis X2 for strictly dry fire training, I have now purchased and am very happy with the Mantis X Laser Academy Kit to help with shot placement. The Taurus and those like them give us the ability to get more trigger time without tearing our hands up or having to wear one glove just to rack a slide or have to add a charging device like the Recover Tactical Charging Handles For Glocks just to enable easier charging.
Discuss your dry fire training preferences in the comments below.
Video: Understand why some say you might NOT want to train with the re-strike or double strike feature for carry purposes.
Also, "no evidence of" hostile intent or danger to public, eh? That's the criterion for intervention? Well, three of them were hovering over la Guardia. So if I were to be caught trespassing into the property of la Guardia or a military base, the airport authority or military would spot me but just say to themselves "well there's no evidence that he has nefarious intent, so let's just wait and watch what he does... We can't touch him right now." ?
Nothing that dim-rats or the deep state actors claim EVER makes sense. Oh wait, this is from. The Communist News Network. Now it's making sense.
Obvious .mil training exercise is obvious. They simply cannot test their new secret weapon systems, and train for carrier-to-overland type missions in Nevada, Utah, or New Mexico, and the coast is populated EVERYWHERE, so they had to pick somewhere. Perhaps China's ratcheting up of apparent intent to invade Taiwan before the finger rapist leaves office is the catalyst for nailing down some final critical testing of the new drone weapon squadrons... ??