Tulsi Gabbards support for the Second Amendment historically has been questionable. Her new “Why I’m leaving the Democrat Party” podcast starting at the 15 minute mark sure sounds like she’s coming around to understanding why we fight so hard. If she had this position in the past, she certainly never shared it publicly. This makes me feel cautiously optimistic. Find a short piece of that in the video below. Whereas in the past she has supported enhanced background checks, does she still? Does she not realize that universal background check enforcement would require universal firearms registration? That same more tyrannical than ever before party she now has left would know exactly where to knock on doors if they managed to pass universal background checks. Find all of her gun control votes at https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/129306/tulsi-gabbard/37/guns.
It's all BS. Don't fall for it.