Montana Gun Trader Helps Makes My Firearm Hobby Better!

I check on here several times daily.
Most of my interest is trades, since I’m retired and on a fixed income.
Every transaction I have had with folks here, over the years, has been good.
People seem to be respectful and honest. I especially like to see so many like minded individuals who support our Constitution on here.
I always use the ‘paid’ ads to help keep the site going and suggest others do the same. Just my opinion.
Randy… Thanks for keeping the peace here too. Old sites I have used were full of Trolls, Dip-shits and frauds.

GWG avatar

Author: GWG

Army 1965-1971 SGT.. Enjoy reloading. Not an expert, but started in been doing it a while. Enjoy trading guns...retired so seldom buy new ones unless I sell one I already own.

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