I recently decided to reload for .308win after getting into a PA10 from Palmetto. I've put together components including Alliant Reloder ts15.5 powder. It's a new powder on the market without much load data available yet. I'm comfortable working up a ladder test, but haven't done so with an AR before.
Any advice on how best to judge pressure in AR loads or maybe even some advice on this new powder? I plan to shoot 168smk from 18" barrel.
Since ejector marks are pretty common on gas-guns, I look at my primer - flattening or gas escaping. Additionally, assuming you are starting with a mild charge, determining where the case is ejected as you increase your load can provide more data(though not completely trustworthy depending on your gas and buffer system). A chronograph will help too - if you're seeing extreme velocity for the given bullet weight and barrel length, it's likely that the pressure might be too high. On the topic of settling on a starting point, I would use Alliant's data to determine where the burn rate is, which looks like it's on their website. They also have recipes too, it seems.

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Ejector marks and, to a certain extent, extractor marks, primer flattening, flow, or piercing, and sticky extraction. If you have an adjustable gas system, consider closing it completely (giving you a straight pull bolt action) while doing your load development then adjusting it for cycles of function once you find a load that the rifle likes.