Reviews written by Mike@474
Very smooth transaction and he was willing to negotiate on price. Very pleased with this transaction! Wouldn’t hesitate to deal again with this member!
This past weekend I completed a deal with Danny and he even suggested a closer meeting place for my convenience. Won’t ever hesitate to deal with him again! Thank you!...
Had an item list here and Gary made me a reasonable offer and we came to mutual agreement and the deal was finalized. He also made it easy for me...
Did a transaction this past week with Bob and it was a very smooth and mutual exchange! Wouldn’t hesitate to do more business with him! Thanks Bob!
Did a transaction with Bob yesterday and would do it again without question. Very upfront and also offered up other items I am interested in. Thank you Bob!
Today we finally completed our deal and without a doubt I would not hesitate to do another with GKeisel. Was an absolute pleasure doing busy on the trade and will...
Just did a quick transaction with Jeffery and it was a smooth as silk. Won’t hesitate to do another with him and his wife.
Just did a transaction with MTtrucker and he was very upright and honest and I would not hesitate to do another deal with him!
Marcus was a pleasure to deal with and was very accommodating with me by holding my purchase until we could get together. Delivered exact what he had advertises and I...
A very honorable person to deal with. Did an extended deal on a S&W 25 for me (payments) and then wait several months for me to pick it up,...
He sent the money early without question and met me without question for the exchange. Very much appreciated when I traveled 238 miles to deliver.
Had a recent “smooth” transaction with MontanaMarksman and won’t hesitate to do more business with him. Straight forward deal just the old days when your handshake is you bond. Many...
Transaction was very smooth and up front! I do it again with no reservations!