John Lott of Missoula with The Crime Prevention Research Center discusses a variety of issues on CSPAN including the recent hoax commencement he was invited to in Las Vegas by the gun control lobby. He also discusses major faults with background checks, de-funding police, low conviction rates and how the Biden administration addressing “gun violence”, only 10% of crime, is a failure. He also takes questions from call in listeners. 41 minutes.
Do You Support or Oppose Universal Gun Registration To Enforce Universal Background Checks?
- I Oppose Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 99%, 134 votes134 votes 99%134 votes - 99% of all votes
- I Support Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 1%, 1 vote1 vote 1%1 vote - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 135
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