John Lott of The Crime Prevention Research Center discusses how addressing “gun violence” is a failure and more

John Lott of Missoula with The Crime Prevention Research Center discusses a variety of issues on CSPAN including the recent hoax commencement he was invited to in Las Vegas by the gun control lobby. He also discusses major faults with background checks, de-funding police, low conviction rates and how the Biden administration addressing “gun violence”, only 10% of crime, is a failure. He also takes questions from call in listeners. 41 minutes.

Do You Support or Oppose Universal Gun Registration To Enforce Universal Background Checks?
  • I Oppose Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 99%, 137 votes
    137 votes 99%
    137 votes - 99% of all votes
  • I Support Universal Gun Registration in Order To Enforce Universal Background Checks 1%, 1 vote
    1 vote 1%
    1 vote - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 138
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Randy Patron
A made in Montana website developer building independent online tools to help us promote, protect and exercise our firearms freedom. I am a 20 year veteran operator and trainer in the emergency roadside service industry. Starting with a childhood and teen years spent in school and family construction in Miles City, MT. Then beyond to Reno, Las Vegas and Northern California after politicians ruined the economy in the late 70's. After having a child my amazing wife and I moved from Tracy, California home to raise him in the last best place. My health since has now restricted me from working outside of my home and here we are today providing a different public service because there is nothing more satisfying. VOTE to help keep Montana pro-gun and I'll keep building and maintaining tools for us to exercise our RTKBA locally online. Feature ads or donate to help keep the lights on and keep me motivated.
Randy avatar

Author: Randy

A made in Montana website developer building independent online tools to help us promote, protect and exercise our firearms freedom. I am a 20 year veteran operator and trainer in the emergency roadside service industry. Starting with a childhood and teen years spent in school and family construction in Miles City, MT. Then beyond to Reno, Las Vegas and Northern California after politicians ruined the economy in the late 70's. After having a child my amazing wife and I moved from Tracy, California home to raise him in the last best place. My health since has now restricted me from working outside of my home and here we are today providing a different public service because there is nothing more satisfying. VOTE to help keep Montana pro-gun and I'll keep building and maintaining tools for us to exercise our RTKBA locally online. Feature ads or donate to help keep the lights on and keep me motivated.

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