Hamilton MT gun show cancelled due to the new BATFE regulation that Jon Tester voted for

Find the original article embedded below from the Montana Shooting Sports Association titled “MT gun show cancelled – BATFE regulation” on 5/18/24.

Jon Tester voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Which in turn shut down the Hamilton and likely many more gun shows to come until we stop this tyranny in the courts. Find his response below after asking him how he could justify allowing this tyrannical overreach. As a direct result the BATFE has been unleashed onto gun owners to redefine what it means to be a gun dealer. How far will they take it? Contact Jon Tester now and ask him why and how he plans to stop the BATFE.

Randy MGT Patron Administrator MSSA CCRKBA GOA 2AF NRA FPC
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Author: Randy

A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter building online tools to help us preserve and exercise our online Firearms Freedom!

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We must demand OUSTER of the CEO, one way or the other.... and nothing less. Only a complete moron would look at bud light situation and still decide to stay on this ultra woke track. This moron should not be running TSC, and nothing less than firing / ouster will suffice. This stuff is a cancer that must be excised and irradiated WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. In my opinion. Saying some words of apology is meaningless.
I could see the packing of SCOTUS, and Harris being placed into a position there. Newsom becoming the VP, Biden then steps down for medical.
9 hours ago
I too might be described as "having an over-developed sense of justice." But feeding that bilious rage is no less cancerous to you than is DEI to society.

Don't shop at TSC if you don't want to. I don't, because I think the store sucks. I also don't buy Bud Light or shop at Amazon, for ideological reasons.

But TSC's apology was swift, seemingly sincere, and actually outlines a multi-point path to remedying the misstep. Which is more than I've seen from any of the other clowns.

Almost undoubtedly their motivations are financial, rather than altruistic. That's how large corporations function. You could take this swift reversal of course as a potential win and, if the walk matches the talk, forgive them their transgressions.

Or, you could go on a full on Vlad the Impaler venge-quest of cancellation and hate. If enough people are like-minded, you can ensure that there is no path of redemption for anyone ever and, thus, no point for anyone to ever modify their worldview. Lots of people hold on to one utopian ideology when they're young, and transition to a very different, more realistic one as they gain years and experience. I rarely get anything perfectly correct my first try, or even my hundredth. Thankfully, I can fix things as I go along.

You do you.

They lost my business and they ain't gettin it back. It's Murdoch's for me.
7 hours ago
I have never shopped at a tractor supply store but I will now be shopping at the super mega tractor supply store in Helena, but only that location and none of the others, and not online either.
7 hours ago
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