My Profile
Private Transactor
Trades Considered
Ruger P90DC .45acp or Sig P220 .45acp
Mossberg 464 SS special edition 30-30 – $700
Savage Axis 2 .308 ( no scope ) – -$300
S&W M&P FPC 9mm folding Sub- $550
S&W M&P 2.0 9mm- &500
Mossberg Maverick 88 12 gauge – $300
Mossberg Maverick 88 12 gauge HD – $400
Will sell the M&P’s as a package for $900
And the Mossberg shotguns package for $600
Will do multiples for the right trade.
Text 509-six70-4one44 with any inquiries or trades.
Due to scammers, spammers and politicians, you must Login to use the contact form in ads. Members who want to sell to non-members know they must add contact information. If no contact info is found above, that means they choose to only transact with Montana Gun Trader Members.

Author: JessEsch
Montana native born and raised in Central MT- Might live out of state for a little bit , but shes still home. View all posts by JessEsch