Lapua Brass, 100 count, unopened box:
-.30-’06, $127
Reloading die sets, varying conditions (please inquire):
.30 carbine, RCBS
.22 hornet, RCBS
9×19 mm, RCBS full set plus new Lee carbide sizer
.45 Colt (Lee carbide)
.30-’06 spgfld (Hornady custom grade new dimension)
6.5 Creedmoor (Hornady custom grade, still in shrinkwrap)
.243 Winchester (Hornady custom grade, new dimension)
357 mag / max / .38 special (Lee carbide)
Lee Case Length Gauges with shell holders. .270 win, .243 win, .223 rem, .270 WSM, .380 auto. $5 each or all five for $15. Or will be free with a corresponding die set purchase:
Will add prices later, and can text with more pics and condition description for each.
PLEASE ASK, for each caliber, whether or not I have Dillon 450 / 550 base plate & powder funnel for each, if that’s something you need. They’ll be free or dirt cheap w/die set purchase.
It is *highly unlikely* that I would refuse any halfway-reasonable offer on this stuff.
Look for brass and bullets to be listed separately later.
Thanks for looking. Please call or text 405 632 5760. That’s 405 not 406.